We hope you had a wonderful, restful holiday and want to return and recommend Sea Shells by the Beach to your friends. When you arrived, we hope you found your cottage scrupulously clean, fresh and inviting.
Changeover day is immensely important for us to make this possible in just a few short hours, and we have to completely sanitize and disinfect the cottage safely, so please could we ask you to:
- Please put your breakfast dishes in the dishwasher, and run it for the whole programme.
- Sign the Guest Message Book
- MOST IMPORTANT BECAUSE OF COVID SAFETY: Please read all the cottage information provided We have built a special passageway laundry cupboard,near your front door (so easily accessible).Please remove your duvet covers,(NOT THE DUVETS)bottom sheets, pillow cases,(NOT THE PILLOWS) any used blankets and towels and place them in the special laundry cupboard. Duvets and pillows are fogged Every guest will receive boil washed bed linen and towels.
- Please do not leave any refuse in the cottage. Empty the fridge, freezer and cupboards of all food items, bag up all refuse and place it in the big bins outside the cottage entrance.
- If you would like to flag anything that needs attention (light bulb not working, dripping tap, etc.), please email me or leave a note (the earlier the better).
- Double check you haven’t forgotten any of your belongings. Lots of people do!
- Kindly leave the cottage at the latest by 10.30am and push the keys through the letter box of the main house “Sea Shell House”or put them on your passageway blue bench.
We hope you have a very safe journey back home and hope to see you again in the future. Thank you so much for choosing Sea Shells by the Beach, Bonchurch.